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Where can I see my sales?

You will be able to view and download the details of your sales in a simple way.

Lara Macarena Sastre avatar
Written by Lara Macarena Sastre
Updated over a week ago

You can see the complete detail of your sales in real-time from your Control Panel, in the Sales section (you can export a Sales Report, filter by dates, and see additional information about your sales).

Please note the following:

  • Your metrics data can be up to 1 hour old.

  • The dates of your report are taken according to UTC time zone (which may differ from the exact date the sale was made).

  • The Report shows the Store's approved and refunded transactions, and includes all currencies by default. If you want to see only the sales made in USD or any other currency, you must filter by currency.

For a better understanding of the Sales Report, we invite you to read the following explanation regarding the columns of the report and how it works:



Transaction Date

is the day on which the sale was finalized

Invoice number

only for sales in ARS you will be able to see the invoice number associated with that sale

Credit note number:

only for sales in ARS you will be able to see the credit note number associated with that sale


is the owner of the content that is being sold

Store name

is the name of the Store that is selling


is when your Store belongs to a General Store


is the name of the publisher of the content being sold


is a numeric commercial book identifier which is intended to be unique

Product name

is the name of the content that is being sold


format of the content being sold, e.g. epub, pdf or audio


by default we show approved transactions and refunds requested by the end user - you can include pending and cancelled transactions if you select the option in your Store filters

User email

email registered in the store

Payment email

email registered in the payment platform

Full name

name of the end user who is buying

State / Country

where the sale is made

Content source

identifies whether the content being sold is own or taken from's marketplace

Sale Type

refers to the license used to make the sale: retail, subscriptions, etc.

Subscription cycle

here you will see the time in months that your user has been subscribed to the plan.

Coupon code

it is the prefix of the discount coupon.

Coupon discount

This shows the commission percentage on marketplace sales for the content owner or the discount percentage when redeeming coupons.

Sales currency

is the original currency in which the sale was made

Sale Price

selling price of digital content in local currency

Exchange rate (USD)

exchange rate of the original currency of sale to the U.S. dollar

Original sale price (USD)

selling price of digital content in U.S. dollar

% Sale Discount

if you are offering a discount to the end user

% for's commission on the total amount of the sale

Net Sale for owner (USD)

sales amount for the owner of the content that is being sold in U.S dollar

Net sale for store (USD)

sales amount for the Store that is selling in U.S dollar

Payment gateway owner

owner of the payment gateway used to sell


name of the payment gateway used to sell

Store Payout Currency

is the currency to be settled by to the seller (Store)

Store Payout

is the amount of money to be settled by to the seller (Store)

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

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