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Types of supported authentications
Types of supported authentications

En este artículo te mostramos cuáles son los tipos de autenticaciones soportadas por la plataforma.

Lara Macarena Sastre avatar
Written by Lara Macarena Sastre
Updated over a year ago

Authentications will allow you to establish a connection between your client's platform and your store in order to allow a group of users to access certain content.

FOR EXAMPLE , if your client is an institution (university, school, library, etc.) you can configure an authentication with the platform where your students register to allow them automatic access to the store and assign them content through a plan.

Below, you will find a list with the types of authentications we support:

referring url

generic user





generic user




IP by EzProxy

generic user





Individual user



Individual user


Auth by Token

Individual user


📹 Step by step.


- Referred URL
This authentication allows users coming from certain previously configured URLs to enter the store.
In order for authentication to verify access based on the source URL of the user entering, it is necessary to have that URL at the time of configuration.

- IP
Allows access to the store to those users who come from a certain IP or IP lists . Users who want to access that same store or library must be connected to the same internet network, either by cable or by Wi-Fi, such as a university campus. It is necessary to have said IP when configuring it.

- IP by EzProxy
Allows access to the store to those users who come from a certain IP or IP lists , allowing users to connect from anywhere in the world and through different Internet connections, such as the home of each user. It is necessary to have said IP when configuring it. The users are identified by the same IP, that of the proxy.

LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) allows the integration of a learning platform or virtual campus so that users automatically access the store and content via SSO (single sign on).

Users who log in through LTI authentication are automatically created in the store with a unique ID. After having entered for the first time, they themselves will have the possibility of adding an email and password to be able to access directly from the store.

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an open source standard based on XML that allows the exchange of information, both authentication and authorization, between different parties: an identity provider and a service provider . of services). It works in a similar way to LTI, users directly access the store by SSO (single sign on).

This authentication allows access to users through JWT tokens (secure parameters) that are sent from an external resource to the store. External resources could be, for example, the intranet of an educational organization or company.
Auth by Token allows automatic login to a specific user when it exists in the store database. If the user does not exist, one will be created and logged in.

This implementation is highly complex but allows full discretion on the part of the client in terms of creating, controlling and removing users.


The first group (referred URL, IP and IP assignment by EzProxy) is integrated by means of a single generic registered and configured in the store , through which the rest of the users will enter.
For example , if your client is a university from their side, they must configure a link or button on their campus or intranet that redirects to the store. When students click on it, they will automatically access your store and have access to the material that you assign them.
From your side you will have to create a user in the store (eg [email protected] ), assign him an IP range or URL, and assign him a plan. Through this user , the rest of the students will enter.

The other authentications (LTI, SAML and Auth by Token) allow individual user access , that is, each user can access the store with their own credentials.
For example , from your client's campus or platform, users can be directed to the store through a link and log in automatically with their own credentials .


The reading statistics allow to know the time and reading sessions of the users.

In the case of authentications with a generic user (referred URL, IP and IP assignment by EzProxy) the statistics will be available at a general level, that is, you will be able to view the total reading time per publication of the users who enter through the configured user.

The second group (LTI, SAML and Auth by Token), allows access to the reading time and sessions of each user individually .


In the case of authentications with single user access, the notes and highlights in the publications may be used at the time of the session. However, they will not be stored. They will be deleted when the reader is closed, preventing another person from seeing it when entering .

Users accessing individually will be able to save their record of annotations and highlights . They will be able to consult them again the next time they access the content.


Low complexity authentications (referring URL and IP assignment) consist of a simple configuration. In a few steps you can establish the connection without the need for technical knowledge.

To be able to configure the rest of the authentications (medium and high level of complexity) you will need to have technical knowledge or assistance from a specialist.

We hope this tutorial has been easy for you. If you have questions, write to us at [email protected] .

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