It is an essential requirement that the bank account where you want to receive your money is in your name or the person who owns the store, in the name of your business or in the name of a person with sufficient power to represent your business.
You can indicate up to two accounts to receive your money (one in your local currency and one abroad), you must complete a form for each account.
To enter your data you must complete this form.
1- What is the URL of your store?: Here you must place the URL of your store, for example "" (MANDATORY)
2- Company Name or Full Name: Legal name of the company or full name, for example "Aleph Digital" (MANDATORY)
3- Email: Enter a preferred mailbox of the person who is going to be in charge of managing the store (MANDATORY)
4- Country of the bank account: Country of the bank account. You must select the country within the options (MANDATORY)
5- Full name of the beneficiary of the account: Full name of the beneficiary of the account (MANDATORY)
6- Address of the beneficiary associated with the account (street, number, city): Address of the beneficiary associated with the account indicating street, number and city (MANDATORY)
7- Postal code of the beneficiary of the account: Postal code of the beneficiary of the account (MANDATORY)
8- Telephone number (with country code): Telephone number with area code (REQUIRED)
9- Name of the bank: Name of the bank (MANDATORY)
10- Bank account number: Bank account number (MANDATORY)
11- Type of beneficiary: Select the type of beneficiary (Private/Individual or Company) (MANDATORY)
12- Currency of the bank account: Currency of the bank account. Select the type of currency from the form drop-down menu (REQUIRED)
13- Type of account: Type of account. Select from the indicated options or enter your type of account if it is not on the list (REQUIRED)
14- CBU / CLABE / IBAN / Unique Identifier.
15- SWIFT number: It is a number that the bank offers you to make international payments. For example from USA to Argentina. For local transfers from Argentina this information is not necessary, so if you reported an account from Argentina you can enter "0 (zero)". (REQUIRED)
16- Routing number: Routing number requested by the US bank when making national payments between US accounts. For local transfers from Argentina this information is not necessary, so if you reported an account from Argentina you can enter "0 (zero)".
17- If you are from the US, complete and attach the W9 form: Only if you are from the United States you must complete and attach the W9 form.