What kind of plans can you create?
💰Depending on how that plan will be charged, you have two options:
Prepaid : the access will last the number of months you indicate when creating the plan. During that period the user will be able to access the publications assigned to it but once that period is over they will have to contract another plan again or lose access.
Recurring: this type of plan is for a monthly recurring contract to be debited directly from a card indicated by the user and which will give access to all the content assigned for this plan during the time it is active. You can cancel it whenever you want and you will stop receiving the automatic debit.
External: If you make a sale outside of the store you will be able to create a plan for that customer that will give access to the users as with other plans. This plan is specially useful if the customer is a corporation or an educational institution and they want to pay in outside the platform (i.e. Bank transfer or cash).
NOTE: it can only be assigned to one user, so if you decide to use an integration other than by referred user (URL or IP) you must also use a prepaid plan to provide access. Please contact us at [email protected].
📚 According to the content included:
Access to everything: when creating the plan, if you do not indicate any group of publications in particular, it will automatically give access to the entire catalog, being able to offer a superior experience to all your content.
By collections: choose which collections of publications will be assigned to each plan in order to create different plans with differentiated accesses. In order to use the collections in your plans, you must first create them within the publications. In this tutorial you can learn How to create collections
Subscription plans may contain content of your own that you have uploaded to the shop (Marketplace publications can only be sold individually).
Now we will show you a step by step on how to create it:
1) Go to Control Panel -> Plans
2) Click on Create and the following window will open (the subscription plan will be selected by default):
3) If you want to create another type of plan click on select other sales type.
4) Choose the type of plan: Recurring or Prepaid
5) Complete the fields:
Write the name and description of the plan. This information will be seen by the user when he wants to subscribe.
External ID (optional): In this field you can enter an identification number for the plan which will be useful for your control.
Set a Price:
If you choose to create a prepaid or external plan, set the one-time price the user/institution will pay to access the content and specify the duration of the period for which they will have access:
In case you create a recurring plan or subscription you can offer a yearly or monthly payment or both, indicating the price in the corresponding interval:
Offer a free trial (only for recurring plans): Check the ‘Activate free trial’ box to offer a 15 or 30 day trial to your users.
You can highlight the plan over the others you have by choosing the Set as recommended option
You can set the plan as Private so that it is not available to the general public, but you can assign it and/or share it with whoever you want in a particular way. This type of plan is used for B2B or corporate sales (e.g. to institutions, users, distributors, etc.).
Determine the content of your plan:
If you are assigning publications through collections, you can limit simultaneous readings per publication to set how many users can read the same ebook at the same time. For more information on the limits of simultaneous readings per publication, we invite you to review this article.
6) Once you have completed the fields click on Create.
NOTE: If the type of plan you are creating is External, you must complete the following additional required fields:
Customer: The name of your client or institution (the user must be created in the shop before creating the plan).
Invoice: upload the legal invoice that you sent to your client for the purchase of the plan.
Here is an article with more information on External Plans.
We hope we made this tutorial easy for you and if you have more questions contact us at [email protected]